How To Play

Once the first countdown ends and the tournament begins you can start minting your NFTs start building your team with the countries you think will make it the furthest to win the prestigious World Cup trophy!

First Tutorial image

In this image you can see the price of the NFTs you have chosen to mint as well as a mint button.

Second Tutorial imgae

After clicking on the mint button you will be able to see a modal that will ask for the amount of matic you want to pay to mint. Now keep in mind you will need to pay a certain amount but this input allows you to send more money to the contract if you wish to.

Third tutorial image

After you choose the order of your teams, And if any of the teams you chose makes it to the next round will then be able to evolve them by clicking on the NFT which will evolve your NFT to another level.

Fourth Tutorial image

You can also swap the order of the teams that you think will be winners, runner ups, third place of fourth place in the competition by clicking the shown button. This will pop up a modal and then you would be inputting the two teams you want to swap inside the modal.

Third tutorial image

Here you can click on the deposit points button to finally deposit your points into your main game page. This is necessary since this process is not automated so everytime you buy, upgrade or earn a new NFT make sure to deposit your points into the main game dapp.

Fourth Tutorial image